HomeSpecial Printing

Special Printing

High-quality plastisol ink goes into the majority of the orders. But there are special requests to cater always. The following are our special printing options available to us.

Pigment Inks

Pigment inks are used in light-colored garments to have a soft hand feel of water. Pigments are water water-based inks. based inks are more likely to penetrate into textile fibers instead of forming a film on top. It gives feel less printing on the fabric.

High Density

High Density is a raised feel from the fabric. It can have raised hairy feeling or raised block feeling depending on the print design. It’s a popular special effect done with screen printing using plastisol inks. It can be used for a small logo to be popped out in a whole design or a big logo printed on the entire shirt.


Flock Printing is the process of adding white or dyed short fibers coarsely on top of the fabric. This adds a velvet or suede-like texture to the surface. This can be added as a part of the design to give a projected look at a particular part of the design.


Foil printing is the process of applying metallic foil onto fabric using the heat press technique making it permanently adhere to the garment below leaving the design of the dye. The colors can be gold foil, silver foil, etc.

Discharge Printing

Discharge printing is done for white or light colour feel less print (like pigment in light colour garment) on a dark colour garment. This process bleaches out the colour in the dark garment thus giving an odor until the garment is washed. This gives a feel of less print on the dark colour garment.

Glow In Dark Printing

Lately, we have been doing a lot of glow-in-dark printing. It is been done by photoluminescent inks applied on a garment, which absorbs and stores energy to release in the form of light over a long period of time. You will stand out in the dark!

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